Drunk Driving Essays: Ways to Make Them Better

Drunk driving takes a special place among the social issues. Although a lot of people discuss it and a lot of speeches have been performed on this topic, the drunk driving cases still often take place. Your task is to add to the number of well-written drunk driving essays, which are really convincing.


What Makes Drunk Driving Essays Impressive?

If you want to make your readers surprised and interested at the same time, you should think of the methods of making your drunk driving essay effective.

       1. Statistics

Numbers are quite exact and if you cite where you have taken them from, they contributes to validity of your essay. Concerning the drunk driving issues you may involve some statistical data, such as a percentage of car accidents caused by drunk driving, or an average number of drunk driving cases with tragic consequences per year. These numbers will be big, and big numbers tend to impress readers and catch their attention.

       2. Applying to Emotions

Any tragedy connected with humans or animals` life applies to emotions of reader. Obviously, some drunk driving cases resulted in deaths and serious injuries. You may take a certain story dealing with this issue and tell it in brief. Your reader will find out what hides behind statistics, and this will make him/her think over the issue and danger he/she faces every day due to drunk driving. By the way, stories with children, pregnant women and elderly people are more touching usually, as they tell about categories of people, who could not help themselves.

       3. Showing the Evidence

You can tell about the statistics of tragic cases, you can explain the particular case of particular people, but to create a full picture you should show! If this is a writing assignment, you may include pictures to illustrate what happens when a drunk person drives. In case you are supposed to deliver a speech based on drunk driving essay, you can also include some pieces of videos: interviews, parts from news etc. This will not only help you to explain better, but play with your listeners` perception. Switching of the senses to get information from makes it possible to think better and not to get bored.


Drunk Driving Essays: Writing Modes

You should select a writing mode to understand clearly the purposes of your writing.

  • Explanatory Mode

An essay on drunk driving in explanatory mode will deal with showing the issue, motivating its importance, giving some details from medical, psychological spheres etc. Actually, your aim will be to provide your reader with the main information on the topic given.

  • Argumentative Mode

The argumentative mode of writing on drunk driving is more aggressive. You should select a side against drunk driving or a side that thinks that drunk driving is not the problem of a driver, and support it with logical arguments. In addition to telling why you think that your point of view is correct, you should point out the weak sides of the opposite opinion. Obviously, it is much easier to convince in the first approach.


How to Write Qualitative Drunk Driving Essays?

In case you need qualitative drunk driving essays, you should contact Essaygrant.Com. Our writers have updated information on this issue and will help you to write something fresh and interesting instead of the things, which were written about tens of times.

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