Essay on Respect: Suggestions for Improvement

What can be written in an essay on respect? Well, it depends on the approach you take for writing and your personal point of view. In case you feel stuck at the very beginning of an essay about respect writing, we suggest you a helping hand!


Which Approach to Choose for Writing about Respect?

If you have not selected the specific topic yet, you may refer to 4 essay writing types: argumentative, expository, descriptive, and narrative. As respect is not a subject you can percept, so the descriptive essay type can be crossed off.


  • Expository Essays on Respect

Expository essay writing means that you explain some issue clearly and make your reader understand your point. Expository essay on respect may take a form of definition essay, a cause and effect essay, an opinion essay etc. For a definition essay you should review the different definitions given by dictionaries. Based on the given information you should formulate your personal determination of respect. If the format of essay assignment allows, you can make the paper more personal and emotional. A cause and effect essay may deal with review, why people act respectfully and what possibilities this gives them. An opinion essay will express your thoughts on why respectful behavior is good.


  • Narrative Essay on Respect

A narrative essay obviously deals with telling a certain story. So, you need to tell a story from your life, life of your friend or some imaginary one. The situation should be somehow connected with the respect, showing someone`s extremely (to make the essay brighter) respectful or disrespectful behavior. Narrative essay type helps you to show the reaction of others through actions and the actual consequences for the main hero. In conclusion for the narrative essay you may speak about your own impression from what happened and evaluate the event.


  • Argumentative Essay on Respect

Giving arguments means convincing someone in your point of view. You may take a short story as your basis, or support your point of view on a certain controversial issue. For example, you may tell a short story about disrespectful actions and provide arguments, why that person was wrong. Make sure, that the situation is not that certain to make your essay more interesting. Concerning the controversial issues, you may support the following points:

  1. Mutual Respect Is the Main Thing for the Good Relationships Formation
  2. Respect Is Losing Its Popularity in Modern World
  3. It Is Cool to Be Disrespectful etc.


What Can Be Done to Make an Essay on Respect Better?

Here are some small specifications, which will make your essay on respect better.

  • Narrow Your Topic

A respect is quite a wide topic, and you should narrow it to get a possibility for the full topic review. You may just select a specific aspect of respect expression, for example “Respect in Workplace” or “Respect between Parents and Children”. A narrow topic helps your reader to understand, what the essay is about.

  • Include Numbers and/or Pictures

If you have any pictures that illustrate your point, they should better be included. The graphical elements make your essay more interesting, especially if they apply to emotions. Numbers and statistical data will contribute to your paper being efficient.

  • Contact an Expert

You should also contact an expert for help. A professional writer with EssayGrant.Com will be glad to write a perfect essay on respect for you or correct the draft you already have.

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