How to Write an Essay: Tips for Better Organization of the Writing Process

All students write a lot of essays on different subjects, but not everybody writes them well. How does it happen, that some students spend much time on writing and get C or a lower grade, and others save their time and get A grade? Learn how to write an essay with us and you will join the students of the second type.


Responsible Work Organization Is the Key

You may have noticed, that successful students are more self-organized. Indeed, a proper time management is the best way to reach success with the minimum time losses. Also, a good essay is written in 3 main steps. When others try to omit the first or the third step, successful students follow them all accurately.


Step #1: Preparation for Writing

It is not possible just to start writing without any preparation for this. You should check the sources list required by professor, or search for sources by yourself. Only after all the online and offline sources that deal with your topic has been reviewed and understood, you can proceed to the next step. By the way, experts advise students to make notes while reading sources.


Step #2: Actual Writing

This still does not mean that you just take a pen and write the whole essay.

  • Outline

You should outline your ideas first and put them into a clear and logical structure. You may ask “what is the point of extra writing?” Well, you will see how helpful your outline is. With the help of outline you want mess up the paper structure and you will never get stuck not knowing what to write about.

  • Writing Your Draft

The first draft is never perfect. Thus, you should just put all the thoughts you have concerning the issues raised in your outline. You can use a brainstorm method to increase the effectiveness of this step. Get ready to filter the information later.


Step #3: Editing and Proofreading

Now your task is to polish the essay. A lot of students just reread the essay once again and submit it. No wonder that they get grades deducted for some grammar, structural, formatting issues etc. All these mistakes can be removed as a result of attentive looking through the essay paper over and over again. If you have such a possibility, read your essay paper to your friend or parents and ask what they consider to add, replace of remove. It is important not to include any irrelevant information.


How to Write an Essay and Save Time?

There are two main ways you can benefit from to save your time and still get a good result.

       WAY #1: Synchronize the Process of Essay Writing

If you have a lot of assignments due, you may create a general list of sources needed, so you will go to library to get information for all of them. Thus, you won`t lose time coming there for sources for every single assignment.

       WAY #2: Ask for Custom Writing Assistance

There is also a possibility to learn how to write an essay with the help of expert. You can ask for the list of sources, for an outline, or even for the whole paper to be written. Essaygrant.Com also has a few services for correction, so you can get your draft fixed by a professional writer. Help of Essaygrant.Com can save you hours and days of valuable time.

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