A Jean-Paul Sartre Essay: Different Sides if the Same Significant Figure

To write a good essay on Jean-Paul Sartre it is not enough to know that he is a representative of existentialism. Obviously, you should be aware of some facts of his biography and/or aspects of his activity. Some good hints can be found within the following advice for a Jean-Paul Sartre essay.


Jean-Paul Sartre as a Multi-Aspect Figure

Why can we say, that Jean-Paul Sartre is interesting from various sides? The thing is, that he expressed himself as a philosopher, a political activist, a playwright, novelist as well as literary critic.


  • General Information about Jean-Paul Sartre

The first thing you should know about Sartre, is that he was born in Paris and he is a French figure. He was born on June the 21st, 1905 and lived until April the 15th, 1980. A great influence on his formation had his grandfather, who was a teacher of German, so the famous philosopher got acquainted with the classic literature when he was rather young. Sartre had a Doctoral level on Philosophy. He took part in World War II being a meteorologist for the French army and even was imprisoned for some time. He died from a serious decease.


  • Jean-Paul Sartre as a Philosopher

We know, that Sartre was a representative of the ideas of existentialism. This is a philosophical theory according to which a person is free to choose his/her fate. A person is responsible for his/her action only if he/she has a freedom of choice and means for the realization of this choice. The forms of existence is creativity, risk, search for the meaning of life, a play etc. If you want to write about Sartre as a philosopher, you should formulate the main ideas of existentialism at the beginning and your body part should have the detailed information on how ideas of existentialism are represented in Sartre`s creative heritage. You should explain, what is the specifics of Sartre`s existentialism and tell his understanding of the three main concepts: freedom, alienation and dialectics. A conclusion should state, that Sartre`s ideas are truly related to existentialism theory.


  • Jean-Paul Sartre and Literature

Talking about a literary heritage of Jean-Paul, it is necessary to mention all the genres he worked in. Thus, you should tell a few words about

  • his novels (name them and do a brief analysis);
  • playwrights;
  • short stories;
  • his autobiographical works (and the way he expressed his view on himself in those works);
  • his philosophic essays (which directly showed his ideas and life principles);
  • his critical essays (showing the criticism of other theories and his views on some other philosophical opinions).

Also, it is necessary to mention, that he was awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature, but refused to take it.


  • Jean-Paul Sartre as a Political Activist

Before the World War II Sartre was an apolitical person. However, he could not stay away of the events happening. His political views were close to left, and he supported the French Communist Party. However, later he supported Maoists, who rejected the communist’s authority. An important aspect of his activity was fighting against destructive influence of media.


Assistance with Jean-Paul Sartre Essay

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